Yesterday, I had the privilege of joining a generous donor and his family for their “family meeting”.
I can confidently say that I gained just as much from the experience as they did. The goal was for the grandfather to demonstrate, rather than merely tell, his grandchildren about the importance of volunteering and donating, especially when one has privilege, whether economic or otherwise.
Throughout the conversation, I witnessed the family express emotions, and I saw the "lightbulb" moment for both the 14-year-old and the 12-year-old. By the end of the meeting, they went from why am I here to planning their next visit.
This family reminded me of my own—of my parents' generous and understated spirit. The values I was raised with are 100% the reason I am who I am today, doing what I do. My heart was filled with hope as I saw these values being passed down through generations.
It's hard to put into words the impact this had on me, but I was so inspired by their acts of loving kindness that I woke up and made a donation to my favorite organization, Jewish Family Service of San Diego.
Together, we can create a more compassionate community.
My request is that, sometime before the holidays, you sit down with your kids, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren to talk about how they can give and make a difference. Find a charity they care about, and make a plan to volunteer and contribute, no matter how big or small. Do it in honor of someone, just as I did for my parents.
In a time when we “get” so much, there’s no better time to also give.